sobota, 27 grudnia 2014
czwartek, 27 listopada 2014
Janov's Reflections on the Human Condition: Stress Is Not a Short Term Event
Janov's Reflections on the Human Condition: Stress Is Not a Short Term Event: I think we are outfitted with inbuilt mechanisms to handle adverse events—stress. But let’s be clear what stress is. It is not falling off...
wtorek, 18 listopada 2014
Janov's Reflections on the Human Condition: How Do You Know If You're Neurotic?
Janov's Reflections on the Human Condition: How Do You Know If You're Neurotic?: One way is to see if your brain gates are in good working order. Is your unconscious too close to top level neocortex? Are the gates too s...
niedziela, 16 listopada 2014
Violenza non ha sesso.: Janov's Reflections on the Human Condition: Happy ...
Violenza non ha sesso.: Janov's Reflections on the Human Condition: Happy ...: Janov's Reflections on the Human Condition: Happy Birthday Letter 1 : We are beginning a “Happy Birthday” series of letter sent to Art b...
sobota, 3 maja 2014
We all grow up in female's hands
This calculation cannot be replaced with another one and it demonstrates that it is not the man to teach children to be violent but it’s women.
- 9 months in the womb
- the first months and years of life children spend with mother who, if needs to be supported, receives help from other women: her own mother, mother-in-law, sister, sister - in - low, cousin, friend or nanny.
- then if women must return to work outside the home, the same women take care of her children
- then we give children to nursery and kindergarten
- then children go to elementary school and middle school.
..."Contrary to the overwhelming perception in society, numerous studies and statistics recently published from a variety of disparate sources have indicated that women are more likely to be verbally and physically aggressive to their partners than men, and are increasingly participating in serious acts of violence against other men, women, the elderly and children..." - continue
as parents
and more more we never will discover :(
Female Paedophile - the hidden truth
The hidden truth.
Blog..."If nothing else, the case raises awareness of a topic that society as a whole - from police officers to social workers, teachers and the general public - has historically failed to acknowledge fully. Women can and do sexually abuse children. What's more, according to recent research, the failure to recognise this can hinder child abuse investigations and the detection of female abusers. Research for the NSPCC from 2005 says there is "compelling" evidence of a wide variety of sexual offences known to have been committed by women, either alone or with a man - from voyeurism to inappropriate touching, rape, penetration and ritualistic, sadistic sexual abuseDr Sharon Lambert, a psychologist who has studied female sexual abusers, says: "We still don't really understand what effect the internet has on people, least of all on women. All of the research has been done on men interacting with these paedophile sites. But women are also interacting with them and, as yet, we don't know how likely it is that women who view these websites feel their behaviour is rationalised and validated enough to go on and commit further offences. One thing that is recognised is that women have far more unfettered access to children than men..."
..."The website and this attached blog are NOT about bashing women. The goal is to highlight the ways in which popular stereotypes of women, motherhood and violence work to further exacerbate survivors’ struggles to make sense of the abuse. It is about highlighting the fact that there are female abusers out there and how society as a whole has dealt or has not dealt with that fact..."
Women with "male violence gene" .
These are
only some examples. We will never know about all cases which happened in the
past and still happen now. Small children cannot tell us about the violence
they suffer when they are alone with mothers, in kindergarten or with
In Italy in kindergarten:
- video
- video
- video
In China:
- video
Women are
2x more violent with children than men.
A daughter kills her mother.
My post to Alice Miller.
I translated in Polish some pages (one story of a 18 years old girl whomurder her mother, there are others such stories of Maria Rita Parsis'patients) from Maria Rita Parsi book "Cuore di mostro" (Monster's heart)because I want to be publish this book here in Poland maybe you stillremember Polish.
AM: I was shaken to the core by the story you sent me, thank you for having done it. I am afraid that the mother who was killed by her daughter is not a big exception, there are many women who keep the secret of the mistreatments they suffered in their childhood at the cost of their many children, they destroy their lives without a second thought so that they must not be recalled on the torture they once survived themselves. What is indeed an exception in this story is the precise description of the diabolic character of this woman that her daughter presents here. Most children are absolutely unable to SEE a mother like that so clearly. For that reason you can send us the Italian version of this text, if you want to.
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